Tuesday 24 September 2024


As of yesterday, the Sunbow Marvel Archive has had 300,000 views in over five years.  Thank you to everybody who has supported the site.

Thursday 12 September 2024

Transformers: Flint Dille's Character Binder

The last major Transformers-related item uncovered from the storage of former Sunbow producer Flint Dille in 2020 has been released.  Flint's character binder, which received its last update on December 3rd, 1986.  Nearly all of the 1987 toy lineup is represented within its 333 pages, as well a copy of Bob Budiansky's 11-page treatment for the Marvel Comics' Headmasters miniseries.

Due to its size, the binder has been split up into three galleries, which can be viewed at: Briefing/Reference Binder Gallery Index

Tuesday 13 August 2024

G.I Joe: The Movie: Duke's death scene restored (VIDEO)

This past weekend, at Transformers convention TFNation 2024, the Mapes brother held a panel showcasing audio from various dialogue recording sessions for Transformers and GI Joe.  At this panel, they debuted the original audio track for Duke's death scene in G.I Joe: The Movie, famously overdubbed for the movie's release, as a reaction to the backlash over Optimus Prime's death in The Transformers: The Movie.

Video of the restored scene, as well as audio from a scripted, but ultimately unproduced funeral scene, is available to view below.  Accompanied by an introduction from movie writer Buzz Dixon.

If the YouTube video is restricted in your region, follow the link to view directly on TFNation's website

To read the full G.I Joe: The Movie script, head to G.I Joe, Part 2

Sunday 28 July 2024

Transformers: Over 700 character model sheets.

Completing the release of material saved by storyboard artist/director/producer Larry Houston and contributed by Rich Helscher, the Sunbow Marvel Archive now hosts a total of over 700 model sheets for Transformers, covering 61 episodes across seasons 1 and 2.

The main index pages and some samples are attached below. To view the complete model books as galleries, head to the Briefing/Reference Binder Gallery index

Saturday 13 July 2024

Transformers: The Secret of Omega Supreme storyboards

Thanks to Larry Houston for saving them from likely destruction back in the 1980s and thanks to Rich Helscher for making them available, the Archive now hosts the tenth full Transformers storyboard set: The Secret of Omega Supreme.

View galleries for all ten sets, as well as partial storyboards for ten more episodes at the Storyboard Viewing Gallery Index

Wednesday 3 July 2024

My Little Pony Tales: Shop Talk script

Thanks to yanchagraffiti, the Archive has its first piece of production material for My Little Pony Tales:  Doug Booth's script for episode 10, Shop Talk.

Developed by George Arthur Bloom and consisting of 26 quarter-hour stories, with a slice-of-life focus compared to its 1980s predecessor My Little Pony N Friends. MLP Tales lasted for only one season in 1992, and was produced by Sunbow and Graz Entertainment.

Read the script, along with material for other 1990s shows at: Sunbow Round Two 1991-2000

Monday 24 June 2024

5th Anniversary

A little late, but nonetheless.

Five years ago, on June 11th 2019, I launched the Sunbow Marvel Archive website. Intending to create a digital library showcasing animation paperwork from Sunbow Productions and Marvel Productions, covering 20+ plus years of shows.

In that time, the Archive has expanded to include hundreds of scripts, storyboards, model sheets, memos, show bibles and briefing binders.

Thank you to all those who have contributed material and lent their support, and here's to the next five years.