Listed below are galleries for briefing and reference books sent to Sunbow and/or Marvel by the various clients. Often containing concept art, character profiles and model sheets.
MP 700 The Transformers
1984 product
Voice actor audition sheets (1984-1987) - Wally Burr's notes.
Writer's Guide
1985 Briefing Book - previously owned by Ron Friedman
New Product Addendum
1986 Character Binder - previously owned by Paul Davids
Model sheet books
700-26 - 34 A Prime Problem to Megatron's Master Plan, Part 1
700-35 - 38 Megatron's Master Plan, Part 2 to Blaster Blues
Flint Dille Character Binder (Last update December 3rd, 1986)
Part 1 - Throttlebots, Terrorcons, Technobots, Protectobots, Combaticons, Stunticons, Aerialbots
Part 2 - Cassettes, Duocons, Targetmasters, Predacons, Autobot Heroes, Spies
Part 3 - Monsterbots, Headmasters, Horrorcons, Galvatron, Ultra Magnus, Sixshot, Metroplex, Scorponok, Sky Lynx, Fortress Maximus, Marvel Comics Headmasters Miniseries Treatment.
MP 5201 My Little Pony N Friends